Nanopore-only Microbial Isolate Sequencing Solution (NO-MISS) - Rapid Barcoding Kit V14 (SQK-RBK114.24 or SQK-RBK114.96)

DateVersion numberLanguageDeviceChanges
May 14 2024ISO_9205_v114_revB_20Mar2024EnglishGridION
27th March 2024 - Updated wording for MinKNOW updates to specify v24.02 or newer
May 14 2024ISO_9205_v114_revB_20Mar2024EnglishMinION
27th March 2024 - Updated wording for MinKNOW updates to specify v24.02 or newer
March 20th, 2024ISO_v9205_v114_revA_20Mar2024EnglishGridion Download 20th March 2024 Protocol released
March 20th, 2024ISO_v9205_v114_revA_20Mar2024EnglishMinion Download 20th March 2024 Protocol released