

The ability to simultaneously capture genomic and epigenomic data with Oxford Nanopore has provided unprecedented insights into the genetic and epigenetic landscape of the Przewalski’s horse.

Flack, N. et al., G3: Genes, Genomes, Genet. (2024)

  • Icon displaying a graphic of any length nanopore reads
    Generate highly contiguous de novo and T2T assemblies with ultra-long nanopore-only reads
  • Icon displaying a graphic of epigenetic base modification detection
    Explore epigenetic modifications and eliminate bias through direct sequencing of native DNA
  • Blue icon showing scale from low to high output
    Scale your sequencing to your needs — from small microbial genomes to large plant genomes

Generate highly contiguous genome assemblies

High-quality genome assemblies are crucial for their use as reliable reference sequences. However, the short reads produced by legacy sequencing technologies lead to highly fragmented, incomplete assemblies. Short reads cannot span important genomic regions, such as repeats and structural variants (SVs), resulting in incorrect assembly. In contrast, nanopore technology can deliver long and ultra-long sequencing reads (current record >4 Mb), that can span complex and repeat-rich genomic regions, enabling the generation of highly contiguous reference-quality genome assemblies.

Using nanopore sequencing alone, it is now possible to generate complete telomere-to-telomere (T2T) assemblies, including highly accurate Q50 whole human genomes. Register your interest in our T2T product bundle.

T2T product bundle
Long DNA

Technology comparison

Oxford Nanopore sequencing

Legacy short-read sequencing

Any read length (50 bp to >4 Mb)

Short read length (<300 bp)

  • Assembly contiguity is reduced and complex computational analyses are required to infer results
  • Complex genomic regions such as SVs and repeat elements typically cannot be sequenced in single reads (e.g. transposons, gene duplications, and prophage sequences)
  • Transcript analysis is limited to gene-level expression data
  • Important genetic information is missed

Direct sequencing of native DNA/RNA

Amplification required

  • Eliminate amplification- and GC-bias, along with read length limitations, and access genomic regions that are difficult to amplify
  • Detect epigenetic modifications, such as methylation, as standard — no additional, time-consuming sample prep required
  • Create cost-effective, amplification-free, targeted panels with adaptive sampling to detect SVs, repeats, SNVs, and methylation in a single assay
  • Amplification is often required and can introduce bias
  • Base modifications are removed, necessitating additional sample prep, sequencing runs, and expense
  • Uniformity of coverage is reduced, resulting in assembly gaps

Real-time data streaming

Fixed run time with bulk data delivery

  • Analyse data as it is generated for immediate access to actionable results
  • Stop sequencing when sufficient data is obtained — wash and reuse flow cell
  • Combine real-time data streaming with intuitive, real-time EPI2ME data analysis workflows for deeper insights
  • Time to result is increased
  • Workflow errors cannot be identified until it is too late
  • Additional complexities of handling large volumes of bulk data

Accessible and affordable sequencing

Constrained to centralised labs

  • Sequence on demand with flexible end-to-end workflows that suit your throughput needs
  • Sequence at sample source, even in the most extreme or remote environments, with the portable MinION device — minimise potential sample degradation caused by storage and shipping
  • Scale up with modular GridION and PromethION devices — suitable for high-output, high-throughput sequencing to generate ultra-rich data
  • Perform cost-effective targeted analyses with single-use Flongle Flow Cells
  • Sequence as and when needed using low-cost, independently addressable flow cells — no sample batching needed
  • Use sample barcodes to multiplex samples on a single flow cell
  • Bulky, expensive devices that require substantial site infrastructure — use is restricted to well-resourced, centralised locations, limiting global accessibility
  • High sample batching is required for optimal efficiency, delaying time to results

Streamlined, automatable workflows

Laborious workflows

  • Lengthy sample prep is required
  • Long sequencing run times
  • Workflow efficiency is reduced, and time to result is increased