Assembling animal genomes using long nanopore sequencing reads
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- Assembling animal genomes using long nanopore sequencing reads
Approximately, only 0.2% of animal species have had their genome sequenced, and because many assemblies have been derived using legacy short-read sequencing technology, many remain incomplete. Long and ultra-long nanopore sequencing reads enable the resolution of repeat-rich sequences and large-scale structural variants (SVs), with no bias in GC-rich regions, supporting the assembly of high-quality, highly contiguous animal genomes.
This end-to-end workflow is a simple method to sequence and generate animal genome assemblies from a mammalian blood sample.
In this workflow overview, you will:
- Find out how native DNA nanopore sequencing enhances animal genome assembly
- Discover our best practice sequencing workflow in detail, starting from the recommended extraction method, through to primary analysis
- Learn about our recommended sequencing kit and devices