NCM Boston
NCM Boston
Oxford Nanopore Technologies
Anastasia McKinlay
- Job title
- Institution
- Indiana University & HHMI, USA
- Biography
Anastasia McKinlay is a Research Associate in Prof. Craig Pikaard’s lab, in the Department of Biology, Indiana University. With a background in molecular biology and genomics, she adapts ultra-long sequencing technologies and develops tools to study the highly repetitive ribosomal RNA gene-containing genomic loci, known as nucleolus organizer regions, or NORs.
- Recent publications
Fultz, D., McKinlay, A., Enganti, R., and Pikaard, C. Sequence and epigenetic landscapes of active and silent nucleolus organizers in Arabidopsis. Sci. Adv. 9(44) (2023).
DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adj4509McKinlay, A., Fultz, D., Wang, F., and Pikaard, C. Targeted enrichment of rRNA gene tandem arrays for ultra-long sequencing by selective restriction enzyme digestion. Front. Plant Sci. 12 (2021).
DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2021.65604