Oxford Nanopore Support


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Where can I find log files from my sequencing runs?

Where can I find log files from my sequencing runs?

The logs produced by MinKNOW when using MinKNOW standalone for MinION Mk1B or PromethION 2 Solo can be found in the following default locations:

Windows: C:\Data\logs\

Mac: /var/log/MinKNOW/

Ubuntu: /var/log/minknow/

The standalone Dorado basecalling logs can be found in the following default locations:

Windows: C:\Data\dorado_logs\

Mac: /var/log/dorado/

Ubuntu: /var/log/dorado/

Please zip the whole folder of MinKNOW and Dorado, and submit both logs for review.

Note: On Windows, if you have set MinKNOW to output to a non-default location, the logs will be in the 'logs' subdirectory in your output folder

On our integrated compute devices (e.g. Mk1C, GridION, PromethION, P2 Integrated), the logs can be exported by the UI by Host Settings > Help and select Export under Export Logs, which are saved to this location:


If the UI is inaccessible and you have access to the terminal locally or via SSH, you can export the logs with the following command: sudo /opt/ont/mooneye/bin/ont-mooneye-save-logs which saves to /data/logs

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