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How do I update my signing key?

How do I update my signing key?

The signing key for our Debian repo (CDN) has been updated. For “platform” systems (GridION, Mk1C, P2, PromethION) with internet connections, this should have been pulled in on box reboot. For stand-alone systems this is not pulled in automatically, and customers will need to trust the new key before updating.

In order to update your signing key please open a terminal on your device, or establish an SSH connection to it, and run the following command.

sudo apt-key adv --fetch-keys https://cdn.oxfordnanoportal.com/apt/ont-repo.pub

If you’re copy-and-pasting the above, be careful that the dash characters are hyphen-minuses (-), not an en dashes (–) or other types of dash. If your device still has the old signing key the software section of host settings will hang on ‘Checking for available updates….’

Users can confirm that the new signing key has been accepted by running:

apt-key list | grep -B2 ONT

This should produce a message similar to the example message below with a 2026 expiration date:

pub rsa3072 2024-03-07 [SC] [expires: 2026-03-07] A348 E94A F220 F7BB 4CD0 EDFB 0A2B 99C9 15F9 9516

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