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Why do I need to put a light shield on my flow cell?

Why do I need to put a light shield on my flow cell?

We have found that protecting flow cells from light during sequencing extends in-run pore lifetime and improves output of the flow cell. MinION R10.4.1 flow cells run with short reads show the most benefit when protected from the light.


The above image shows a percentage increase in output from flow cells where the array is shielded from light during sequencing. R10.4.1 and flow cells with short fragment libraries observe the most benefit from running in the dark. Depending on the sample type, fragment length, pore occupancy, pore and flow cell type the benefit of shielding the flow cell array from light. Short reads = 200bp amplicon, Long reads = 30Kb N50 human native DNA samples were prepped with SQK-LSK114 reagents, shielding of light with flow cell light shields.


The above pore scan plots from html run report from R10.4.1 MinION Flow Cells run on GridION under standard conditions (not shielded) and those where the flow cell array is shielded from light. Short reads = 200bp amplicon, Long reads = 30Kb N50 human native DNA samples were prepped with SQK-LSK114 reagents, shielding of light with flow cell light shields.

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