Oxford Nanopore Support


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What is the warranty period on my flow cells?

What is the warranty period on my flow cells?

What is the Flow Cell check and Warranty? As part of our quality control process all of our flow cells are 100% QC’d before shipping and we guarantee a minimum pore count throughout the warranty period. Performing the flow cell check prior to sequencing allows the customer to confirm that the flow cell meets the warranty and has enough pores after storage to generate high outputs. Flow cells that fail the warranty should not be used for sequencing and will be replaced free of charge.

What is the warranty on my Flow cells? The flow cell check (performance qualification) returning the pore count should be performed immediately before sequencing, rather than on receipt of the flow cell. The warranty period commences from receipt of the flow cells and any warranty failures should be reported within 2 business days. All flow cells should be stored at 2-8°C from receipt to ensure optimal performance.

Flow Cell Min. Pore Count Warranty Period
PromethION 5000 12 Weeks
MinION/GridION 800 12 Weeks
Flongle 50 4 Weeks
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