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How many flow cells can I run on a GridION and P2 solo simultaneously?

How many flow cells can I run on a GridION and P2 solo simultaneously?

The GridION is capable of running 2 PromethION and 5 MinION flow cells simultaneously, when doing so there are some considerations for basecalling model selection detailed below. Lower than capacity combinations of PromethION and MinION flow cells have not currently been tested, future releases on MinKNOW will alert the user to these recommendations. Experiments can also not be started with different flow cell types in the same experiment.

Basecalling model on PromethION FCs Basecalling model on MinION FCs
2 flow cells 5 flow cells
Fast (keep up*) Fast (keep up*)
HAC (keep up*) Fast (keep up*)
SUP (1 FC keep up*) No basecalling
  • during 72hr run with standard outputs
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