MRC Unit The Gambia at LSHTM

nanopore Service Certified
Certified for
  • DNA
  • RNA
  • GridION
Techniques offered:

We offer a range of techniques ranging from whole genome to targeted sequencing of microbial genomes. This include DNA or RNA from bacteria, RNA viruses and fungi as well as parasites genomes. We also offer training on various lab techniques such as library preparation and sequencing for Nanopore Platforms (GridION and MinION) as well as data analysis using long read data. Our staff are well trained and have a vast experience in biomedical research.

Areas of research offered:

The MRCG at LSHTM is a biomedical Research Institute with with over 70 years of service in The Gambia. The Unit represents a unique concentration of scientific expertise and high quality research platforms in the West African region. ( The Genomics core is built with state-of-the-art technologies to complement ongoing research in these areas with the aim to save lives and improve heath across the world.