Nanopore whole-genome sequencing of foodborne pathogens

Foodborne apps note


Tracing the sources of foodborne pathogen outbreaks is crucial for protecting public health and the food supply chain. Recent advancements in the machine learning algorithms used for basecalling nanopore data have enhanced the accuracy of generating closed microbial genome assemblies using only nanopore reads.

This application note highlights the potential of nanopore sequencing as a robust and standalone platform for whole-genome sequencing of foodborne pathogens, offering a promising approach to improving food safety.

In this application note, you will:

  • Learn the importance of characterising foodborne pathogens to prevent, identify, and control contamination and outbreaks

  • Discover the methods and analysis tools used to generate high-quality data

  • View our benchmarking data generated using nanopore sequencing

Workflow: bacterial isolate sequencing

To learn more about the protocol in this application note, you can download the rapid end-to-end workflow for whole-genome sequencing of bacterial isolates using MinION Flow Cells on MinION or GridION sequencing devices and the EPI2ME analysis platform.
