WYMM Tour: Bangalore, India
April 25 2025, 9:30 AM - 5:25 PM BST
Bangalore, India

WYMM Tour: Bangalore, India

Friday, 25th April 2025, 09:30 - 17:15 IST - Bangalore, India (time subject to change)

Generate ultra-rich data for answers with impact.

Who says you can’t see it all? With a comprehensive view of structural variants and methylation, nanopore technology powers the bigger and bolder research questions you’ve always wanted to ask.​​

Join us on Friday, 25th April 2025, to hear from local experts who are breaking new ground in human genomics, using nanopore technology.​​​

What you're missing matters. Stay on top of what's next.​

Aside from talks ranging from human genomics for rare disease, to sequencing for cancer research, the full-day agenda will include networking breaks, Q&A, product displays, and opportunities to engage with your peers and nanopore experts.

Please note that this is an in-person event.

There is no delegate fee for this event, but registration is required. Lunch and refreshments will be provided. Your place at this event will be confirmed via email from events@nanoporetech.com.



Bangalore, India

**10:00 am-17:25 pm IST

Agenda (subject to change)


09:30 am-10:00 am


10:00 am-10:30 am ​


To follow

10:30 am-11:00 am ​

To follow

Arindam Maitra, BRIC-National Institute of Biomedical Genomics

11:00 am-11:15 am ​

Lightning Talk: Hybrid de novo genome assembly of Lady Amherst's pheasant

Kritika M. Garg, Ashoka University, India

11:15 am-11:30 am

Lightning Talk

To follow

11:30 am-12:00 pm ​

ONT Long-Read Genome Sequencing: A Game-Changer in Clinical Genetics Practice

Gautham Arunachal Udupi, National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro sciences, Bangalore

12:00 pm-12:30 pm ​

To follow

To follow

12:30 pm-13:45 pm ​

Networking Lunch

13:45 pm-14:15 pm

To follow

To follow

14:15 pm-14:45 pm

Detection and genomic variant analysis of pathogens affecting dairy cattle by Oxford Nanopore sequencing

Dhanasekaran Shanmugam, CSIR National Chemical Laboratory, Pune

14:45 pm-15:00 pm

Hybrid genome sequencing: applications in prokaryotes and eukaryotes

Gautam Das, miBiome Therapeutics LLP

15:00 pm-15:15 pm

Pioneering microbiome-based wellness in India

Debojyoti Dhar, Leucine Rich Bio Pvt Ltd

15:15 pm-15:45 pm

Utility of long-read sequencing in an acute healthcare setting

Vaz Gnanam, Credence Genomics Holdings Pte Ltd, Singapore

15:45 pm-16:15 pm

Networking break

16:15 pm-16:45 pm​

CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (CSIR-IGIB), India

Rajesh Pandey, CSIR-IGIB, Delhi

16:45 pm-17:15 pm

Structural Variants in Indian Populations

Divya Tej Sowpati, CSIR Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad

17:15 pm-17:25 pm



picture of Kritika M. Garg

Hybrid de novo genome assembly of Lady Amherst's pheasant

Kritika M. Garg, Ashoka University, India

Dr. Kritika M. Garg is a Ramalingaswami fellow at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Archaeology Resea...

picture of Gautham Arunachal Udupi

ONT Long-Read Genome Sequencing: A Game-Changer in Clinical Genetics Practice

Gautham Arunachal Udupi, National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS)

Over 12 years of experience in Clinical Genetics especially in Neurogenetics Over 75 publications wi...

picture of Dhanasekaran Shanmugam

Detection and genomic variant analysis of pathogens affecting dairy cattle by Oxford Nanopore sequencing

Dhanasekaran Shanmugam, CSIR National Chemical Laboratory, Pune

Dr. Dhanasekaran Shanmugam is currently chief scientist in CSIR National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, ...

picture of Gautam Das

Hybrid genome sequencing: applications in prokaryotes and eukaryotes

Gautam Das, miBiome Therapeutics LLP

Biography: Dr Gautam Das is the Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer of a genomics company 'miBiome ...

picture of Debojyoti Dhar

Pioneering microbiome-based wellness in India

Debojyoti Dhar, Leucine Rich Bio Pvt Ltd

Dr Debojyoti Dhar, PhD is the co-founder and Director of South Asia’s first microbiome company, Leuc...

picture of Vaz Gnanam

Utility of long-read sequencing in an acute healthcare setting

Vaz Gnanam, Credence Genomics Holdings Pte Ltd, Singapore

I am a medical doctor by profession, with a specialization in bioinformatics. My entrepreneurial jou...

picture of Rajesh Pandey

Footprints of genomics: strengthening the blueprint for future public health strategy

Rajesh Pandey, CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (CSIR-IGIB), India

Dr. Rajesh Pandey, Principal Scientist and Group Leader at CSIR-IGIB, India, works on INtegrative GE...

picture of Divya Tej Sowpati

Structural Variants in Indian Populations

Divya Tej Sowpati, CSIR Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, India

PhD in Biochemistry, 2012 from the Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics, Hyderabad, India W...