London Calling 2024 - Speakers
Check out the line up of speaking at London Calling 2024.
Oxford Nanopore Technologies
Dr. Janessa Laskin
- Job title
- Institution
- BC Cancer Centre & University of British Columbia, Canada
- Biography
Dr. Laskin is a Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine at The University of British Columbia, Canada. She is also an Associate Member in Canada’s Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre, and a Medical Oncologist at BC Cancer, in Vancouver. Dr. Laskin’s research is focused on genomic and personalized medicine as the clinical program leader for the Personalized Oncogenomics (POG) Program. POG is a collaborative translational research effort that uses in-depth genomic sequencing to guide chemotherapy decision-making in a clinically relevant timeframe.
- Recent publications
Pleasance E. et al. Whole-genome and transcriptome analysis enhances precision cancer treatment options. Ann Oncol. 33(9):939–949 (2022). DOI: 10.1016/j.annonc.2022.05.522
Pleasance E. et al. Pan-cancer analysis of advanced patient tumors reveals interactions between therapy and genomic landscapes. Nat Cancer. 1:452–468 (2020). DOI: 10.1038/s43018-020-0050-6