London Calling 2024 - Speakers
Check out the line up of speaking at London Calling 2024.
Oxford Nanopore Technologies
Antoni P.A. Hendrickx
- Job title
- Institution
- National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Netherlands
- Biography
Dr. Antoni P.A. Hendrickx is a molecular microbiologist, researcher, and national coordinator of the CPE/CPPA/MRSA/CRAb surveillance in the Netherlands. He is a PhD supervisor, national focal contact point for AMR, and he is active in the field of public health genomics at the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment.
- Recent publications
Schouls, L.M. et al. Dutch MRSA surveillance study group. Molecular characterization of MRSA collected during national surveillance between 2008 and 2019 in the Netherlands. Commun. Med. 3(1):123 (2023). DOI: 10.1038/s43856-023-00348-z
Zwittink, R.D. et al. Multidrug-resistant organisms in patients from Ukraine in the Netherlands, March to August 2022. Euro. Surveill. 50:2200896 (2022). DOI: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2022.27.50.2200896
Landman, F. et al. Genomic surveillance of multidrug-resistant organisms based on long-read sequencing. medRxiv. 02.18.24301916 (2024). DOI: